Harmon Brothers is not a cult.

But the most cult-like thing we do is invite our writers to a retreat in the woods and tell them to give up their phones and laptops for two days. If their kid breaks a leg…they’ll have to wait.*

If that sounds crazy to you, I assure you there is a method to our madness. In fact, we’ve done this Writing Retreat to create world-class advertising for our most successful campaigns including Chatbooks, Lumē, Kodiak Cakes, Kizik, etc.

To get the benefits of a Harmon Brothers Writing Retreat without hiring us to do it, you just need to follow these guidelines:

Harmon Brothers Writing Retreat

  • Get rid of distractions. We choose to do our writing in a woodsy cabin because it’s beautiful, and it removes our writers from their day-to-day distractions.

They go without their phones for the duration of the retreat for the same reason. That way they can give their full attention to the project at hand. *Full disclosure: there are scheduled times where we’re allowed to check phones for important messages. As much as we love our clients, we love our kids more.

This elimination of distraction gives our writers space for their minds to wander, which is where some of the best ideas come from.

  • Hire more than one writer. We’re somewhat unique in this idea, but we believe multiple writers are an essential ingredient to producing the best script.

Our lead writer goes as far as saying that two mediocre brains are better than one expert brain. Why? Because you need at least two ideas to bounce ideas back and forth.

Different perspectives are crucial to brainstorming fresh ideas, jokes, and sales language. And the good news is, we leave the mediocre writers off the invite list in the first place—so we’re bouncing great ideas off of great ideas, and the natural result is…pure greatness.

  • Let yourself (the client) into the journey. We believe the writers should check in with the people who own the product throughout the ad-writing process.

At the end of the day, you know your product better than anyone else. And if there are key components we’re overlooking, we want to catch that as soon as possible.

Of course, if you’re paying money, you should trust the expertise of the writers you’re hiring. But you should also hire writers who respect your field of expertise in return.

Our Writing Retreats are not only a party, they yield incredible results. Writing is the most important ingredient to creating an ad that converts, so don’t be afraid to try out our process and let me know what you think.

Benton Crane
Chief Executive Officer at HB

Grow your business with Harmon Brothers Writing Services, learn more at: https://harmonbrothers.com/writers-room

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