Hey, this is where the market is at.

Ozymandis Plipp, Representative of the Lollipop Realty Group

‘Quaint period farmhouse, no foundations, recently used as a murder weapon.’ Realtor Ozymandis Plipp didn’t think the house would sell, especially as it had no plumbing and was obstructing a main thoroughfare. But he was wrong.

“It’s a sellers’ market,” Plipp said. “Though we’re not sure where the seller went, so this one went at auction.”

The purchaser, Glinda, had some reservations but was happy to have won the bid. “It would have been nice if the price had dropped as well as the house, but you can’t have everything,” she said.

Plipp is also surprised to have gotten offers on the Royal Palace in the capital city. “It’s huge, it’s made of glass, and it’s green. Really green. But there’s a very keen gardener who wants it. We don’t know where the owner of that has gone either.”

He’s also had offers from developers interested in a supposedly haunted forest owned by the wicked witch of the west. Asked if she would ever entertain the idea of selling the forest she said, “When monkeys fly out of my buttress.”

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