Or at the very least, if you say “Check please” you have to buy something first.

Patricia Brandt, Waitress at Billie’s Diner

As far as problems a restaurant could be having, this seems like teens quoting trendy catchphrases would be pretty low on the list. But that hasn’t stopped local eatery Billie’s Diner from cracking down on the language its teen customers are using. 

“Swearing is fine, we don’t care about that,” said waitress Patricia Brandt. “I mean, have you ever met a line cook? A string of vulgarities would actually be far less annoying than what they’re doing, which is quoting things I don’t even think they understand.” 

Fellow waitress Melody Strong confirmed, “All the time, I hear these kids say “I’ll have what she’s having!” and I think to myself, “Have any of you actually seen When Harry Met Sally? I mean, it is Nora Ephron’s best work, so they really should watch it. The first time it happened, I admit it, I chuckled. But that was months ago, and I’m a different woman now. It’s extremely annoying.”

“Plus, one of them will always yell ‘check pleaseeee’ during a meal whenever something awkward happens. But we don’t even do checks here! You order and pay at the register before you sit down!” Brandt added. 

Billie’s Diner management reported that while “I’ll have what she’s having” cases were still on the rise, so far no Gen Zers had attempted to fake an orgasm in any of their vinyl clad booths. Still, to stay on the safe side, they recently installed a sign with a list of forbidden phrases within the restaurant. Management also said that new obnoxious catchphrases could be added to the sign as they enter the lexicon, allowing the diner to evolve with the changing times.

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