It was a really big one too. As big as me. How can I ever eat here again?

Ew! You won’t believe what I saw at the Chuck E. Cheese off of state street this afternoon. A big ugly rat! The biggest rat I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe nobody warned me about this! 

To make matters worse, I had my little nephews with me! And guess what that rat did– it came right up to them and tried to give them a hug! How will I ever explain this to their mom? I know those kids are going to be traumatized from this. The next time their family goes to Disneyworld, they will turn to each other and say, “This giant mouse reminds me of another giant rodent! I want to go home!” Their happy vacation will be ruined. And it will be all my fault. 

I’ve seen some big rats in my life. Mostly in performances of the Nutcracker, but once behind the dumpster of a Shoe Carnival. That was my worst experience with rats, until now. Call me crazy, but I feel like the health department should really be cracking down on this! Since they weren’t, I had to take matters into my own hands. I’ve made posters that say WARNING: BIG RAT on them with a picture of what I saw at Chuck E. Cheese and have taped them up all over town. I may not be able to kill the big rat, but at least no one else will have to be as shocked and unprepared as I was.

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