Amazing that a restaurant that once stood for something has stooped so low.

Can you believe it?? When my husband asked what I wanted to eat for lunch that afternoon, nothing sounded good, even though I was getting hungrier and grumpier by the minute. “Just tell me what you want!” he said. 

“What I want doesn’t exist!” I cried. “I want a restaurant that features animals begging for their lives in all its marketing materials, a restaurant with delicious fresh-squeezed lemonade, a restaurant that hates gay people.” 

“Get in the car, honey,” my husband said with confidence. “I know exactly where we’re going.” 

We pulled into the Chick-Fil-A drive through line, and I felt my spirits soar even as my blood sugar plummeted. Here it was– the perfect solution to all my lunchtime woes. The line was easily 15 minutes long, which only confirmed to me that this was an establishment superior to all its peers.

Imagine my horror when I realized what was coming next– a helpful teen in khakis walking up to our driver’s side window, opening his mouth to use the most suggestive language imaginable. “My husband is a MARRIED MAN!” I yelled before he could even begin to take our order. “Keep your pleasure to yourself!” 
Here I was, thinking that Chick-Fil-A would be a safe place for families like mine to enjoy a simple lunchtime meal. But for a place that is closed on Sunday, it obviously remains a den of iniquity. Until Chick-Fil-A can come up with a script for its employees that demonstrates moral character, it can kiss my business goodbye. 

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