We can all think of times when we were forced to attend something in-person that could definitely have been distilled as an email. But how do you know you aren’t becoming a miser of time? Do people sometimes think you’re a jerk because you’re obsessed with efficiency? Read on to find out when you definitely shouldn’t say, “This could have been an email.” 

  1. At your brother’s wedding 
    • Is it boring? You bet. Drunk people and old people both tend to give really long toasts, and this place is full of them– including some who fall under both camps. But don’t ask for the well-wishes and vows to be simply sent to the group as a pdf attachment! It’s distasteful! 
  2. At your kid’s baseball game
    • We get it, you’re really good at baseball! Or at least, you’re better than these kids, who all suck. But the brag won’t come through very well if you’re insisting the final score be sent to you as an email. Plus it’s not nice! 
  3. When you’re getting an MRI 
    • First off, you shouldn’t insult your MRI tech because you need them on your good side! Second, you know as well as anyone you can’t bring a laptop inside that room! 
  4. When your significant other asks for quality time
    • To make matters even more hurtful, they wanted to watch Great British Bake-Off together. The highs and lows, triumphs and defeats of that show could never be captured in email format. So don’t even ask!!
  5. When you get a Happy Birthday text from your grandmother 
    • What’s wrong with you? Why would you prefer a birthday email over a text? It will definitely hurt your grandma’s feelings, and also just confuse her! Saying that this could have been an email would be very rude, and will also make your grandma suspect you’re a weirdo.

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