Look, we’re just saying no one has ever “bulked” their way into abs. However, you can always order these foods in a six-pack and see what happens. Here’s the list:

  1. Beer. The pouch may be out, but every pair of abs needs a protective layer and Bud Light does the trick.
  2. Rolls. Thanksgiving is coming and so is that pouch. Hold the package up to your stomach for a fake six-pack feel.
  3. Donuts. Eating half a dozen is definitely better than eating a full dozen. Get that glazed goodness at any grocery store near you.
  4. Cupcakes. Sure the pack it’s expired by one day, but who can deny eating dried cake that’ll dye your teeth blue and make you wish you weren’t alive for days?
  5. Cheese sticks. Burn extra calories by peeling off the pieces instead of chomping straight down, you psycho.

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