Those digital backgrounds really worked for ya.

  1. Hack into their phone and change their wallpaper to your face. When they unlock it, make sure it’s in a public office setting. That way, everyone will think you’re dating, so they will naturally want to date you too.
  2. Give your business card to them. It’s a work-appropriate way to give them your number. All that’s left to do is wait for the coveted “u up?” text.
  3. Dress up as their celebrity crush for Halloween. They’re sure to mix the two of you up, and romance will be inevitable.
  4. Give a subtle nod to Bridgerton. Nothing is hotter than a slightly unbuttoned top. Grab one of your workshirts and flaunt what you got. Restrain from wearing corsets. That will get you sent to HR.
  5. Wallpaper your cubicle with your favorite Zoom background. It’s sure to reignite the special memories you two shared during the lockdown.
  6. Ask if they have a crush on anyone in the office. Before they have time to answer, give them a nice *wink* and run away giggling.
  7. Tell HR you’re romantically involved with a coworker. When they’re pulled in, they’ll look crazy denying they’re dating you, and you’ll have to be together.
  8. Lure them into the breakroom with their favorite dessert. If the trick doesn’t work, you can always use your authority as their boss to have a private meeting with you.
  9. Rig this year’s secret Santa so both of you are giving to one another. Sparks will fly if you pick the perfect Bath and Body Works candle.
  10. Create a love spell. Grab your favorite jar, rose quartz, and the eyelash of the person you wish to cast the spell on. Now take the jar, bury it deep in the ground, and chant Romeo’s speech to Juliet until the sunrise.

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