Do you have opinions on Marvel Movies? Answer these questions to tell us what they are! Your answers may surprise you! Probably not but you never know! 

I think superheroes are 

a. Cool and/or fun! 

b. Dumb 

Movies don’t need sets or props or costumes, just CGI babyy

a. Yes!

b. No

I love having to watch 27 other movies and 6 TV shows before I can understand everything that’s happening in the one I’m watching now

a. True!

b. False

Captian America’s uniform is 

a. Good and it’s on my t-shirt right now!

b. Stupid and it’s not on my t-shirt right now 

Movies don’t have enough explosions these days, and that’s what’s wrong with this country 

a. Amen! 

b. What? 

Florence Pugh is one of the greatest actors of her generation 

a. Yes!

b. Yes… where are you going with this 

Oh if you think she’s so great, how come you didn’t watch Black Widow? Guess you don’t really appreciate her work! Somehow she’s not too good for Marvel but you think you are? 

a. Ohhh gotcha! 

b. Okay… I’m probably still not going to watch it. Still love u Flo.

Ha! And what about Oscar Issac! Paul Rudd! Michael B. Jordan! All the men you profess to love are in one place! And you know what that place is? 

a. The multiverse!!! 

b. (sadly) …the multiverse 

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