Their license plate says ‘In God We Trust.’ I say, God does not trust what they were up to on January 6, 2021.

I’m not paranoid, I’m a vigilant citizen. But that van pulled up nearly a full minute ago and no one’s gotten out, and I’ve never seen it before, and it says ‘HVAC Repair’ on the side but its exactly what a lone assassin would do.

The driver is out, there is a passenger. Not a lone assassin, a team op! You can tell they’re highly trained. They’re wearing overalls, but they remembered to take off their balaclava helmets before they got out. That’s a sign of a pro.

They are looking at the tires—wide tires, good for speedy getaways. The whole of formula one racing is a front to road test tires for criminals to make quick getaways.

A flat tire though? That’s their ‘legitimate’ reason for being there?

The cops pull up. Three minutes after I called—better than usual. The one cop is chatting to the perps. I bet you wished you had your balaclavas on now—you can be described! His partner…has gotten a jack out of the trunk to help change the tire. Rookie mistake! Look at the tattoos!

They change the tire in 20 minutes. The ‘HVAC’ guys are looking around. Lucky they can’t see me in my hunting blind. The cops are too trusting, they don’t search the van. It pulls away. Thwarted, but only for today. They’ll be back.

At least I avoided being kidnapped again. 12th lucky escape this week. 

I’m glad I listened to the voices that told me to come here today.

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