Uhhhh am I missing something here? It feels like suddenly I’m the bad guy at work, just because I hired my cutie pie boyfriend for a job at the company! You would think they’d be congratulating me right now for being such a boss babe and saving the company time and money by skipping over the “applicant search” and “interview” phases of the hiring process. I was efficient, and now suddenly I guess that’s a problem? Even though me carpooling with Tyler to work every morning is good for the environment? Make it make sense!!

Sure, I was told we needed to hire someone with at least 2 years of experience in graphic design. But that didn’t make any sense as a requirement, because Tyler only just barely signed up for a Canva account! But it’s fine. He has a sexy voice and a great head of hair– which is all Harry Styles had in Don’t Worry Darling, but somehow everybody was fine with him doing it! 

It just feels like a hostile work environment right now. Kind of like the work environment that caused Florence Pugh to show up late to the Venice premiere holding an Aperol Spritz. I just think we, as a society, need to pick a lane and stick to it: Either Tyler gets to keep his job and get as many second chances as he needs, or no one is allowed to listen to Harry Styles ever again. Fair is fair!!

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