“Storming a government facility together was great for team building,” said HR director Ed from his holding cell. Corporate event…
Kylie, it’s just coffee, not a marriage proposal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxgd9cAZAHc&list=PLFM1PyoIkF9EPcxTnepwPrwAih8e1utId&index=115 You can’t raise the price on the ‘free’” said Bob, incorrectly.
How about we do a good job with the first planet we have before moving on to a new one?…
Whenever Patient Removes Glasses I was a patient, and he said it was a compliment.
From my perspective, we’re in a very healthy economy.
Who paid for the study, man? Follow the money, man. It’s all white hate propagandist trash, man! We asked the…
Without Specifying, “I Promise I’m Not Firing You” I’ll still be replying, “Pinkie promise?” in response.
Honestly, it makes for a terrible time to invest in deez, or any other nuts.
Auto-renew your Disney+ subscription or, God as our witness, we will turn each and every one of your precious childhood…