“It will allow at least a dozen families to afford an extra gallon of gas.” – Kamala Harris

Today President Biden addressed Congress about the need for his late library book relief plan.

“It is estimated that nearly 24% of all books borrowed from a library are returned late. At an average cost of 50 cents a day till they are returned, the national late library book debt totals several thousand dollars. Money that families could spend on bubble gum, or anti-static laundry sheets.

“There are three parts to fixing this for American families. First, we will immediately relieve what families currently owe on late books. If you earn less than a million dollars a year, you will have your debt forgiven, down to $2.75. Those earning over the million-dollar ceiling will have their debt forgiven if they make 36 months of consistent payments, or repay the first $9, whichever comes first.

“Second, we will extend the time that families have to return borrowed books. Beginning January 1, a book will not be considered late until eight years from the date it was borrowed.

“Third, for those who miss the eight-year time limit, but who cannot prove it wasn’t their fault, we will cap the late fees libraries can charge to 0.5% of the cost of a Big Mac meal in that state per late item.”

Five states have already sued the government over the plan. “Late book fees allow us to run community programs like the Lego builders club, and movie night. Stuff that kids can’t do at home. That will all go away,” said head librarian Lydia Skugg. “I wish they’d consider a sliding scale of late fees based on the weight of the book. If you fail to return a dictionary, you pay more, simple as that.”

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