Update: It’s come to our attention that this article has triggered a significant amount of backlash in the mental health community and our list of 10,000 strategies, even though it was awesome and took us a really long time to write, has been retracted. Thanks a lot, snowflakes.

Are you too weak for a modern workplace in a modern world? Don’t worry, you don’t have to be such a baby about it. We asked experts, the internet, and our own imaginations as we came up with a master list of 10,000 ways to crush whatever mental distress you might be experiencing. Just keep scrolling until you find the one that fixes you: 

  1. Think positive 
  2. Think negative, and trick your brain with reverse psychology 
  3. Practice mindfulness and do not allow yourself to think at all 
  4. Start keeping a daily journal 
  5. Take a bath 
  6. Hold your breath until you pass out 
  7. Don’t have kids until you’re financially and emotionally ready 
  8. Oh, you already have kids? Woof. 
  9. Post sad song lyrics on the social media platform of your choice 
  10. Eat something 
  11. Go to bed at 9pm 
  12. Wake up at 5am 
  13. Set boundaries 
  14. Make a list of all the chores you have to do that you’re behind on, then sleep with it under your pillow 
  15. Take a vacation to an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic 
  16. Buy something from Trader Joes 
  17. Go find a therapist 
  18. Battle with your insurance over whether you’re allowed to see a therapist 
  19. Light a nice candle 
  20. Splurge on exercise gear to inspire you to work out 
  21. Keep a budget 
  22. Download a mindfulness app 
  23. Search “mental health” on tiktok and bookmark everything that seems relevant 
  24. Lay in bed with every blanket you own piled on top of you 
  25. Text your crush just to feel alive 
  26. Text your HR rep if your crush is also your boss 
  27. Make sure not a speck of dust exists in your house 
  28. Take up a new hobby 
  29. Spend more time in nature 
  30. Spend more time with friends 
  31. Spend time alone to decompress 
  32. Your phone is probably bad for you so just get rid of it 
  33. Google “how to stop climate change” after 11 pm 
  34. Do whatever was fun for you when you were a little kid, unless it was like, musical theater
  35. Keep reading this list through suggestion 10,000 to know the full extent of your options for mental wellness 

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