Jimmy is the ultimate hype guy and wingman, but his boyish charm was no match for Jaden Smith.

Jimmy Fallon has had swaths of talented, interesting, and gorgeous people on stage with him over his tenure at the Tonight Show, but he’s also had his fair share of duds. No mildly amusing anecdotes or silly little games could bring these boring snails out of their shells. Here are the top five snoozefests: Doris Kearns Goodwin 

The world-renowned presidential historian and biographer was perhaps not the right fit for Fallon’s audience, especially since they were expecting Doja Cat. Though Doris Kearns Goodwin tried her best, her musical segment was ultimately very forgettable. 

Jaden Smith 

  • What can we say? Some people are born to be stars. And some are more like distant balls of hydrogen and helium who happened to be born to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It’s fine, honestly. 

Kevin Jonas 

  • Wait, who? Oh, right. One the one hand, he is a Jonas brother. On the other hand, he’s not the one you have a crush on. Just a family man without a famous wife, no killer eyebrows, and no past performances on SMASH. We’ll pass. 

Mitt Romney 

  • After he declined to play drinking games for the live tv audience, things got pretty awkward. Still so handsome though. 

George Clooney

  • Is it just us, or is this guy just not that interesting? Sure, he’s married to the coolest lawyer in the world, he’s got a house in Lake Como, and he’s worked with everybody in Hollywood but like, what is there to really talk about? And as far as looks goes…. let’s just say they can’t all be Mitt Romneys. We just don’t see the appeal.

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