This is my superbowl.

As a modern woman in the workplace, I shouldn’t have to explain why I’m taking a personal day to watch the newly released season 3 of Bluey. Especially because even though I don’t have children, I know my manager does– so he should understand why I need to spend a full business day with my favorite fictional family of Australian blue and red heelers, as well as their extended family, neighbors, friends, and larger community of cartoon dogs. 

I just want what Chilli has. A husband, two little girls, a gorgeous house with a giant poinciana tree in the backyard, and time to go play field hockey with her friends. Sometimes watching Bluey hurts, because that cartoon dog is a better parent than I’ll ever be and has a better life than I’ll ever have. But I still love it. My therapist said I need to spend less time consuming aspirational content on social media but she didn’t say anything about aspirational content on Disney+, so that means I can do it. 

Plus, I know for a fact that Todd in product management took a personal day to watch the new Marvel movie this year. And you know what? Pick any episode of Bluey out of a hat: it will be better than any given Marvel movie, and it will do it in only 9 minutes. Especially the Sleepytime episode– that one always makes me cry. I just know that if my boss watched that episode, there would be no questions asked about my PTO request.

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