I keep a wardrobe in my cubicle with different outfits, but no this guy just adjusts the temperature.

Every morning Paul bursts through the doors and bellows hello to the whole sales floor. And everyone waves back. Once, I announced to the whole sales floor that there was a luncheon. I got booed.

Paul is the only person I know who can look cool in a tank top. Even a pink one. He doesn’t even play golf. I once tried wearing navy-blue instead of business grey. I got booed.

A sign on Paul’s cubicle says, ‘Believe in Yourself, and You Can Be Like Me!’ It’s a running joke in office conversation. My sign says, ‘Life is Better When You’re Laughing.’ Someone wrote ‘boo’ on it.

Paul loves Wednesday mornings. That’s when we have mandatory happy hour. After I’ve done my charade, and been booed, Paul stands there and laughs loudly at how bad he is at that sort of thing. No one gets his mime, and his team loses. My team wins and is booed.

At Halloween Paul always starts the traditional ‘you’ve been booed’ around the office, and by weeks end everyone has anonymous candy and a ‘you’ve been booed’ sign at their cubicle. Except me.

Paul’s performance sucks. More than enough to get him fired. Being his boss, I should be the one to do it. But I’m pretty sure there would be hissing.

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