The feature will allow users to look at linkedin profiles without notifying the profile owner.

In an attempt to get more young women to use its platform, LinkedIn has unveiled a new private browsing option for detective girlies who want to cyber-stalk their crushes. The feature, called “What’s His Deal” is similar to LinkedIn’s private browsing mode, except it doesn’t alert the hottie in question that anyone has viewed their profile at all. While women will continue to make 70 cents to the dollar compared to men, being able to perform this kind of reconnaissance can only be described as a win for feminism.

“Our focus testing has been very clear. You know what Gen Z women don’t like? LinkedIn. You know what they do like? Looking up their crush’s mom’s employment history. We’re connecting the dots. I see you, Nancy Drews! You little Harriet the Spies! These ladies are putting in the work on romantic background checks and we’re honored to be a part of that,” said LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky. 

Regular LinkedIn users have complained about the new feature, arguing that What’s His Deal defeats the purpose of the site. They say rebranding anonymous browsing as a tool for girlies doing intel takes away from LinkedIn’s traditional purpose of bragging, posting made-up inspirational stories, and congratulating distant acquaintances on their employment anniversaries. “We’ve been successful at making people feel inferior to their peers for so long,” admitted Roslansky. “But this is a fresh start for us. It feels good to use this platform to actually be productive for a change.”

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