But also work harder. It would be smarter… for all of us… to also work harder.


 Inspirational boss Dennis (no last name, he doesn’t have time) is big on business maxims “but they have to be realistic, right?” he said while typing up an email and listening to the business news and answering my questions. “I mean, it’s smart to go for the low hanging fruit, right? But you have to reach for the stars.”

The phone rings and Dennis answers and listens for two seconds before cutting in. “Look Suzie, I appreciate your call, but if you want to take it to the next level you have to keep your feet on the ground.”

It’s this kind of advice that helps Dennis keep in touch with his staff. Division manager Carl says he asks Dennis for a lot of clarifications. “It’s sometimes difficult to capture the vision he clearly has for the company,” Carl said. “I know he wants a paradigm change, it’s something he says a lot,” Carl said, “but he says, ‘If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it,’ just as often.”

Dennis says one of the greatest demands on his time is staff asking for clarifications and that it’s getting difficult to run the company. “I don’t have the bandwidth,” he said, “but my door is always open.”

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