So they prefer children of donors, do they? Well well, watch me sweeten the pot with a crisp Andrew Jackson.

Mavis Crimp

Mavis Crimp is no stranger to how business is done. She is the creator of 26 start-ups (one a year since college), was almost voted Young Business Person to Watch, and very nearly went to grad school. “I know what greases the wheels,” she said. “It’s what goes on behind the scenes.”

Crimp has always used the power of behind the scenes to guarantee her sons advancements in life. Her son Trevor didn’t’ graduate Kindergarten the first time, but she’s sure the “fresh baked apple pie” she gave to the teacher the second time round is what ensured his cap and gown. And his first job (McDonald’s stand-by apprentice) was clearly awarded after she gifted a collection of 200 assorted grocery savings coupons to the store manager.

She attributes her business savvy to an early life experience. “I sat in a plane on the tarmac for three hours while they fixed a wing or something. People were agitated. Then a lady brought us all a 30ml bottle of water and I got a snack pack with 36 peanuts in it. For free! I learned a valuable lesson that day, loyalty is brought through little things.”

Crimp acknowledges that Harvard is a tough school to get into, even with untraceable bills exchanging hands. So she added some icing on the cake. “I’ve offered to grade Trevor’s papers so the professors will have more time for poker night. That’s going to make him stand out.”

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