Buying a house is actually a lot like applying to college. You just put in an offer everywhere, and hopefully, someone agrees to put you in crippling debt.

Vickie, Local Real Estate Agent

Coming soon to a couch near you: Netflix’s latest original offering, Home is Blind, will follow desperate homebuyers on their journey to purchase a home with only the faintest of details beforehand. The reality show comes as part of the streaming giant’s new business strategy of adding shows to the video library instead of simply continuing to shrink it. 

Home is Blind hopes to find a new angle previously not explored on popular home shows by capturing the chaos and dread that accompanies the homebuying process. Between soaring real estate prices, stagnant wages, and corporate price gouging, younger generations are watching the dream of home ownership go out like the tide— meaning it only takes about 30 min before it’s out of reach. 

Home is Blind producers remarked, “It is more difficult to purchase a home in 2022 than it was in the Great Depression. The first time we heard that, we thought, now that’s quality television.”

A teaser trailer for the first season shows first-time homebuyers being outbid multiple times by out-of-state buyers paying cash before agreeing to buy a 500K home, sight unseen. We see the couple’s horrified gasps and grimaced smiles as they tour, for the first time, the property they spent their life savings making the down payment on. But don’t worry– the end of each episode shows the new homeowners settling into their mystery digs, long enough for the audience to be able to critique their design choices.

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