If it ain’t broke, then make it better.

When we write scripts for our clients, we go through so many iterations and drafts, it’s not even funny. But you know what’s even funnier by then? The scripts.

The latest video script we wrote with Sana Benefits—an awesome company that offers comprehensive health benefits for honest prices—went through so many edits and punch-ups before filming, that you wouldn’t recognize the original script they chose to go with—and that’s a good thing.

Just because we like a script doesn’t mean we won’t try to make it even better for our client at every chance.

Here are the results of that ad—and the answer to the question you’ve never asked—what would life be like if Lewis and Clark had health benefits?

This same principle applies to growing your own business. Constant iteration leads to improvement whether that’s in a business model, a script, a landing page, or even a line of text. Sana Benefits is constantly evolving to better serve their clients, and they’re succeeding big time because of it.

Just because people are buying your product or service doesn’t mean you shouldn’t improve what you offer and how you do it. Think of the iPhone camera over time. They saw a place to improve so they did—with each and every model (yes I know, let’s ignore planned obsolescence for the sake of this example :)).

In this week’s episode of our Raising Unicorns podcast, the CEO of Sana Benefits shares some insider secrets on how to satisfy both your investors and your customers on your way to becoming a leading brand. Listen here today.

Benton Crane
Chief Executive Officer at HB

Grow your business with Harmon Brothers Writing Services, learn more at: https://harmonbrothers.com/writers-room

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