“Storming a government facility together was great for team building,” said HR director Ed from his holding cell.

Corporate event consultants Green Smudge used to help companies organize things like trivia night, tag football, and baking lessons. “It didn’t really help people learn life lessons,” said founder Kevin Smudge. “We felt our team building events should have serious consequences for doing something badly. No room for error. Just like working in corporate America today.”

Their top selling product now is Operation Olive Race. “That’s where we fly the client’s accounting department to the Eastern Mediterranean. But then we drop them in Syria and give them two days to cross the border and get to the chopper.” Smudge says the lessons learned by the survivors are engrained deeper than if they just built a house of cards together. “The ones being held in prison are still learning…they’re the real winners.”

Smudge also offer front line positions at The Running of the Bulls “great for teaching that threats are always right behind you,” and their Ultimate Fighting Championship Experience “You’re in the ring till your knocked out by a pro, and you learn that sometimes you can’t get back up and just have to let things go.”

Smudge is not worried about customer complaints. Everyone signs a contract with a clause that the risk is their own. Much like going to Disney or opening a savings account. That is non-negotiable for their latest teaching experience, the Capital Riot ‘Riot.’

“Solving a problem at work often means attacking it from different angles, and the Capital Riots Package really brings home the importance of teamwork. Especially if there’s live ammunition. Which there is. Plus, there’s at least one government building in every capital, so it’s a product we can roll-out nationwide.”

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