It’s truly the GOAT of all meals.

Taco Bell is a household name in authentic Mexican cuisine. The key to its success? “Innovation,” said spokesperson Alejandro Johnson. “We constantly look for ways to put the same ten ingredients in our food but sell it in different shapes. We use one kind of meat, lettuce, beans, tomatoes—but discerning customers want variety, so hard shells or soft shells? open like an enchilada or closed like a burrito?”

And yet a growing number of customers actually want different tastes. After introducing Farjitaardilla as a limited time menu item last summer, Johnson said people never suspected that squirrel could taste so good. “As long as we add the same melted cheese we put on everything else, customers are fine.”

Using exotic meats in dishes is leading to collaborations with new partners. “New York City pest control has approached us about pigeon nuggets, so look out for Palomapepitas coming next year some time.” Johnson noted that while burritoperro has been a favorite in Tijuana for generations, it might be a while till we see them here because “most of the city pound contracts are held by KFC.”

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