Nothing says home like 6 sides and 6 angles.

Several hundred miles of filing cabinets stretch into the distance of the dusty, poorly lit, warehouses of Out of Sight Services (OOSS). “When your company’s job is filing hard copy profiles of everyone that ever purchased a Toyota Corolla, you have a lot of cabinets,” said Nick Tillerson, recently appointed ‘manager in charge of fun and positive vibes’ for OOSS.

“With 50 million profiles to file, there is going to be a degree of drudgery,” Tillerson admitted. “So, we do what we can to make the workplace fun!”

“We have the hexagons on the walls, they are easy on the eyes. And several of those chairs shaped like a big ball—those are fun. And we’re installing Rubik’s Cube light shades throughout the warehouses. Those should all be in by the year 2315. Later if they keep selling the Corolla…”

If you ask staff at Out Of Sight Services why they are filing hard copies of customer profiles, you get a lot of shoulder shrugs and ‘it’s what we do.’ And Tillerman doesn’t know why either. But he had ‘It’s What We Do’ stenciled in 20-foot-high letters on the concrete wall of the parking lot to remind everyone that commitment is better than understanding.

No one can remember Toyota ever asking for a profile to be pulled either. But when they do, Tillerman is ready. “I’ve hidden 2,000 Mars bars in random filing cabinets. If you are sent to retrieve a file and find a Mars bar—it’s yours!”

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